Jongbin Won

Jongbin Won

Studying Linguistics & Artificial Intelligence

Korea University (Seoul)


안녕하세요!🖐️ 언어와 컴퓨터(인공지능)를 공부하고 있는, 원종빈이라고 합니다. 아직은 많이 부족하지만, 열심히 공부해서 언젠가는 자연어처리(NLP) 연구원이 되길 꿈꾸고 있습니다.

Hello!🖐️ I’m Jongbin Won, studying Linguistics & Computer Science(especially AI). I’m still lacking a lot, but studying hard and I’m dreaming of becoming a natural language processing (NLP) researcher someday.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Knowledge Representation
  • B.A. in Linguistics, 2018~2024

    Korea University

  • B.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence, 2018~2024

    Korea University


Teck Stacks

w/ Numpy & Pandas, Pytorch, Huggingface

Applied Linguistics

Computational Linguistics, Word Embedding, Chatbot


studying C++ parallel programming with CUDA


Yeah I wanna be a full-stack MLOps someday haha

Watching Movies🎬

I love Hayao Miyazaki, Changdong Lee, Quentin Tarantino, and Coen brothers!

Listening To Musics🎶

Big fan of Oasis!

Work Out

Going to Gym & Running!


Korea University
B.A. in Linguistics & B.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence
March 2018 – June 2024 Seoul, South Korea

These are some of classes & MOOC courses that I was especially interested in.

  • Theoritical Linguistics: Morphology(LING322), Generative Grammar(LING422), Semiotics(LING221), Dialogue Analysis(ENGL425), Theory of Grammar(LING461)
  • Applied Linguistics: Cognitive Functional Linguistics(LING333), Language & Computer(LING405), Language & Statistics(LING262), Language & Artificial Intelligence(LING414)
  • Mathematics: Linear Algebra(IMEN151), Calculus(MOOC in Seoul National Univ.), Probability & Random Process(COSE382)
  • Computer Science: Data Structures(COSE213), Algorithms(COSE214)
  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence(COSE361), Pattern Recognition(KECE470), Machine Learning(COSE362), Deep Learning(COSE474), Ethics of Artificial Intelligence(AICE301)
RILI (Research Institue for Language and Information)
Project & Research Intern
May 2022 – Present Seoul, South Korea
  • National Project organized by NIA(National Information society Agency), building Medical/Legal Training & Evaluation Dataset (2022.05. ~ 2022.12.)
  • Research on Viability of Korean Visual Abductive Reasoning. (2022.11. ~ Present)
    • The dataset used in the research was built with the support of the National Institute of Korean Language
    • This research project was supported by National Research Foundation of Korea.


ALAK 2023 Poster Presentation
Preseted Viability of Korean Visual Abductive Reasoning You can see the poster here
See certificate
Digital SW Convergence Content Contest (Korea Univ. Campus Town)
Got Honorable mentions and cash prizes for developing the system of Depression Early Warning for community(Everytime) users
See certificate


Project ZZM(졸지마)
(still working…) Project ZZM is developing the following web/app services. that recognizes and alarms whether the user is dozing or not.
Project ZZM(졸지마)
2018 Naver NLP Challenge (NER Task)
Got 88.15% accuracy in 2018 NAVER NLP Challenge(NER Task) by using Naive Bayes Classifier based on Linguistic features.
2018 Naver NLP Challenge (NER Task)


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