Project ZZM(졸지마)

Photo by Jongbin Won

Project ZZM is developing the following web/app services. When you are studying, driving, or doing other tasks, it recognizes the size of your eyes, analyze the pattern of your body moving, etc. from live video and predicts whether you are dozing or not. And if it predcits you are, it sends an alarm to help you wake up or focus. We are going to add other features like tracker, advertisements, communities and so on.

Tech stacks that we used

  • Vercel
  • React.js
  • Python OpenCV, dlib
  • Flask
  • Github Actions
  • Docker
Jongbin Won
Jongbin Won
Studying Linguistics & Artificial Intelligence

I’m Jongbin Won, studying NLP(Natural Language Processing), especially interested in Knowledge Representation and Word Embedding.